CARES Act / COVID-19 Grant Program Resources

Submitting CDBG, ESG, CDBG-CV, and CDBG-DR Drawdown Requests

Memorandum on Submitting Drawdown Requests for Funds to be Paid by the Close of Fiscal Year 2024


Public Hearing

2020 Memo for COVID19 Public Hearing

2020 Notice of Public Hearing – CV programs | Spanish

2020-2024 First Substantial Amendment to Five Year Plan (for public hearing) | Spanish

2020-2024 First Substantial Amendment to Five Year Plan – CARES Act Funds | Spanish


CDBG-CV Program

The State of Alabama received a total award of $40,459,786 in three separate allocations from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development under the CARES Act.

The State has submitted a plan to HUD for the distribution of these funds. Under the State Plan, all 67 counties, including Jefferson and Mobile which are entitlement counties, as well thirteen entitlement cities, will be awarded a predetermined amount of CV funds based on their populations upon submission and approval of grant applications.

A list of eligible activities includes facilities for COVID testing and vaccinations; facilities of isolation beds; equipment; rental, mortgage and utility assistance; assistance to food banks and food pantries; job creation and business assistance; and other facilities and services that will promote the goal of preventing, preparing for, and responding to the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID.

Alabama Cares Act CDBG-CV Awards


CDBG-CV Program Resources

CDBG-CV Policies and Procedures

2020 CARES Act – CDBG-CV Round 2 Funding Availability Memo

2020 CARES Act – CDBG-CV Annual Action Plan | Spanish

2020 CARES Act CDBG-CV Application Workshop Memo

2020 CDBG-CV ADECA Grant Application Form

Sample Documents

Environmental Review Requirements

CV Environmental Presentation


Budget-Financial Report

Subrecipient Self Cert of No Benefit and Subrogation

Individual Self Cert of No Benefit and Subrogation

Certification of Signatures

Designation of Responsible Officials for CDBG-CV

Implementation Schedule

Subrecipient Material Receipt PMU-1-CV

Request of Payment

Close Out


Final Inspection Certification

Final Wage Compliance Report

Policy Letter 16 – Notice of Completion Advertisement

Performance Assessment Report-Page One

Performance Assessment Report-Page Two

Performance Assessment Report-Page Three-Six

Applicants for CDBG Assistance Jobs and Housing Rehabilitation

Households Assisted

Hookup Certification

Final Disclosure Report

Audit Certification Memo and Form


ESG-CV Program

The Emergency Solutions Grant-CV (ESG-CV) Program is funded by HUD through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

ESG-CV funds are to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and other infectious diseases among persons or families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance.

The state has been approved to receive a total of $23,237,004 in two separate allocations. ESG-CV funds may be used to provide essential services to both sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons. ESG-CV funds will also provide limited rental and utility assistance to mitigate the impacts of the coronavirus.

Alabama CARES Act ESG-CV Grant Awards


ESG-CV Program Resources

ESG CARES Act Notice

ESG-CV CARES Act Reallocation Action Plan | Spanish

2020 CARES Act – ESG-CV Annual Action Plan | Spanish

ESG-CV Application Slides – Round 1

ESG-CV Application Form – Round 1

ESG-CV Application Slides – Round 2

ESG-CV Compliance Slides

ESG-CV Compliance Slides – Environmental

ESG-CV Application Form – Round 2

ESG-CV Budgets and Instructions

Audit Certification

Continuums of Care Contacts

Continuums of Care Map

Alabama Department of Public Health – Coronavirus

HUD Exchange – Disease Risks and Homelessness

HUD Exchange – COVID-19 Resource Digest For Homeless Providers


Environmental Review Requirements

CV Environmental Presentation

HUD Data Sets

Income Limits​

Annual Income

Determining Income and Calculating Rent

CPD Income Eligibility Calculator

CPD Income Eligibility Calculator User Manual

ESG Rent Reasonableness

PHA Utility Allowance for Rent Reasonableness Documentation

Rental Assistance Agreement and Lease Requirements

Minimum Habitability Standards for Emergency Shelters and Permanent Housing

Housing Habitability Standards Checklist

ESG Lead Screening Checklist

“Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home” Pamphlet

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form

Sample Housing Stabilization Plan

Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity

Immigrant Access to HUD’s Homeless Assistance Programs


Written Quote Request

Verbal Quote Request

Code of Alabama 1975 – Article 2 – State Bid Laws


2 CFR Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards



ESG-CV Subrecipient Request for Payment Instructions

ESG-CV Subrecipient Request for Payment

ESG-CV Second-tier Sub Expenditure Attachment Instructions

ESG-CV Second-tier Sub Expenditure Attachment

Invoice Documentation Cover Sheets

Cover Sheet – Administration

Cover Sheet – Emergency Shelter (Normal)

Cover Sheet – Temporary Emergency Shelter

Cover Sheet – HMIS

Cover Sheet – Prevention

Cover Sheet – Rapid Re-Housing

Cover Sheet – Street Outreach

Prevention/Re-Housing Documentation Checklist Instructions

Prevention/Re-Housing Documentation Checklist Sample

Homeless System Response:

HMIS Allowable Expenses for ESG

Changes to Coordinated Entry Prioritization to Support and Respond to COVID-19

Data & Equity: Using the Data You Have

Rapid Expansion of HMIS: Things to Consider

Federal Funding Priority Order for Non-Congregate Shelter During COVID-19

A Framework for Homelessness Prevention

Five Things to Consider When Investing ESG in Homelessness Prevention

Prevention to Promote Equity

Federal Communications Commission

Public and Indian Housing COVID-19 Resources

Working with Tribal Nations


HOPWA-CV Program

The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS-CV (HOPWA-CV) Program is funded by HUD through the CARES Act.

The State has been approved to receive $365,910 in COVID funds. HOPWA-CV funds are to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and other infectious diseases among persons and their families who are living with HIV/AIDS.

HOPWA-CV funds are available to assist individuals residing in all 67 of Alabama’s counties. Eligible services include short-term rent, mortgage and utility assistance, leasing, supportive services, and operating costs for housing facilities.

Consumers who meet HOPWA eligibility criteria and who have an ongoing emergency need for assistance that is directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic will be eligible for these services.


HOPWA-CV Program Resources

2020 CARES Act – HOPWA-CV Annual Action Plan | Spanish


COVID-19 Resources