Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program provides housing assistance and related support services to low-income persons disabled by HIV/AIDS as well as their families. The purpose of the program is to devise long-term housing strategies for people living with HIV/AIDS and to prevent them from becoming destitute. As a supportive housing program, HOPWA also helps to ensure persons with HIV/AIDS have access to necessary medical care and other related services.
The HOPWA program works in partnership with local communities and nonprofit organizations for projects that benefit low-income persons with HIV/AIDS. ADECA awards its funds to AIDS Alabama, Inc., the Project Sponsor. Persons seeking assistance should contact AIDS Alabama directly at (205) 324-9822.
Projects funded through the HOPWA program are subject to an Environmental Review. This review is conducted by ADECA personnel but does require that the Project Sponsor submit a completed Environmental Review determination form (ENV-HOPWA) to ADECA to initiate the review process. The required form can be found below:
HOPWA Environmental Review Determination Form (ENV-HOPWA)