Alabama Energy and Residential Codes (AERC) | Energy |
Alabama Inland Port Infrastructure Program | Energy |
Alabama Research Alliance | Energy |
Alabama Research and Development Enhancement Fund (ARDEF) Program | Energy |
Alabama Space Authority | Energy |
Alabama Water Resources Commission (AWRC) | Office of Water Resources (OWR) |
Alabama Weatherization Assistance Program | Energy |
Alternative Fuels and Renewable Energy | Energy |
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) | Federal Initiatives and Recreation Division (FIR) |
Broadband Alabama | ADED |
Bulletproof Vest Partnership | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Child Passenger Safety | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Click It or Ticket | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) | Community and Economic Development (CED) |
CDBG – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) | Community and Economic Development (CED) |
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) | Energy |
Community Traffic Safety Program (CTSP) | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Delta Regional Authority (DRA) | Community and Economic Development (CED) |
Domestic Violence Trust Fund | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Drought Planning and Management | Office of Water Resources (OWR) |
Drug Recognition Expert Training Program (DRE) | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Program | Energy |
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) | Community and Economic Development (CED) |
Enterprise Zone Program | Community and Economic Development (CED) |
Family Violence Prevention and Services Grant Program (FVPSA) | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Floodplain Management | Office of Water Resources (OWR) |
Governor's Office of Volunteer Services | Director's Office |
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) | Community and Economic Development (CED) |
Impaired Driving High Visibility Enforcement Program | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Industrial Energy Efficiency Program | Energy |
Interstate Water Issues | Office of Water Resources (OWR) |
Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) | Federal Initiatives and Recreation Division (FIR) |
Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) | Surplus Property (SPD) |
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) | Energy |
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) | Community and Economic Development (CED) |
Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE) | Community and Economic Development (CED) |
Online Auctions | Surplus Property (SPD) |
Opportunity Zones Program | Community and Economic Development (CED) |
Project Safe Neighborhoods | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Public Outreach and Consumer Resources | Energy |
Recreational Trails Program (RTP) | Federal Initiatives and Recreation Division (FIR) |
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Grant (RSAT) | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Selective Traffic Enforcement Program | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Sexual Assault Services Grant Program (SASP) | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Southeast Crescent Regional Commission | Federal Initiatives and Recreation Division (FIR) |
State Energy Program (SEP) | Energy |
State-Funded Programs | Community and Economic Development (CED) |
Statewide “Click It or Ticket” (Surveys, Analysis, Certification and Final Report) | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Surplus Property Program | Surplus Property (SPD) |
Traffic Safety Records Improvement Program | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Training Program | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Victims of Crime Act Victim Assistance Grant Program (VOCA) | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
Violence Against Women Act Grant Program (VAWA) | Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety (LETS) |
VW Settlement | Energy |