CED Environmental Review


All projects and related activities funded through CDBG, ESG and HOPWA and construction projects and related activities funded through ARC are subject to the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA). The primary purpose of the laws and authorities governing the environmental process is to establish national policy, goals and procedures to protect, restore and enhance environmental quality. Programs funded or assisted by the state with federal money (examples: HUD, ARC, etc.) must consider impacts on the environment and be consistent with Federal programs and policies.

An Environmental Review Record (ERR) is required to be established for each project. An ERR is a concise public record containing original documentation related to the environmental review, decision-making, and activities undertaken in a project. The ERR must be available to the public upon request at the Responsible Entity’s location; county courthouse or city offices. It is a legal document and the best and often only defense to prove compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


For assistance in conducting an Environmental Review, download the Environmental Review Guide below. It contains information and links to information that can assist in conducting and preparing an ERR and the required documentation. The process is also explained in the flow chart that is provided below.

The information provided here is not intended to be all inclusive and only serves as a possible form of documentation. Located in the top right corner of each page is a link to ADECA’s Environmental Officer. If you have any questions regarding the guide or find any missing or broken links just click on the link and an email will automatically open (for Microsoft Outlook users). You may also contact the Environmental Officer, Chris Perkins, at (334) 353-1028.

Environmental Review Guide

Revision Date: 06/28/24 – Updated Floodplain Management, Wetlands Protection and Notices Sections.

Environmental Review Process Flow Chart

Revision Date: 03/31/22



Programmatic Documentation Forms

The files located under the ENV Review Forms section apply to all CED programs. Use your program specific Notices (FPN, NOI, CN) and Request for Release of Funds (RROF) only if your project requires them.

Determination and Documentation Guidance

The following files/links provide additional information and/or guidance to aide in making determinations if the regulations apply and how to properly document those decisions.

Environmental Website Overview

Flood Insurance and Coastal Barrier Resource Units

Airport Hazards

Historic and Tribal Preservation

Floodplain Management

Wetlands Protection

Coastal Zone Management

Sole Source Aquifers and Endangered Species

Site Contamination

Air Quality and Farmland Protection

Noise Abatement and Control and Explosive and Flammable Facilities