Enforcement Campaigns

Image by Diego Fabian Parra Pabon from Pixabay

Community Traffic Safety Program

ADECA currently supports the operations of four regional Community Traffic Safety Program (CTSP) coordinators throughout the state. The major focus of the CTSPs is involved with assuring the effective execution of evidence-based high visibility enforcement efforts by participating law enforcement agencies in the region.  Regional offices also serve as extensions of the state highway safety office and are concerned with the traffic safety issues in their area. Any law enforcement agencies interested in participating in the enforcement campaigns can consult with their regional office and determine eligibility.

For a map of the CTSP regions, click here.


Selective Traffic Enforcement Program

There will be local and statewide High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) projects throughout the year. Each of these projects will focus on crashes and problem locations that have been identified across the state. By conducting these HVE details, additional efforts can be focused on the reduction of crashes. Eligibility for law enforcement agencies to participate in this enforcement effort is data driven, which will prevent traffic violations, crashes, and crash fatalities and injuries in locations most at risk. The enforcement program will continuously be evaluated, and the necessary adjustments will be made.


Impaired Driving High Visibility Enforcement Program

There will be local and statewide Impaired Driving High Visibility Enforcement projects throughout the year. Each of these projects will focus on impaired driving related hotspot crashes and problem locations that have been identified across the state. By conducting these HVE projects, additional efforts can be focused on the reduction of impaired driving related crashes. Eligibility for law enforcement agencies to participate in this enforcement effort is data driven, which will prevent traffic violations, crashes, and crash fatalities and injuries in locations most at risk. There is also a corresponding media campaign to bring public awareness. The enforcement program will continuously be evaluated, and the necessary adjustments will be made.


“Click It or Ticket” Campaign

This national seat belt enforcement campaign generally occurs close to Memorial Day. Law enforcement agencies around the country have officers working overtime to remind drivers of safety belt importance. Alabama’s seat belt law is a “primary” law, allowing officers to ticket a driver without any other traffic violation taking place. There is also a corresponding media campaign to bring public awareness.


“Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over” Campaign

Each year close to the Labor Day and New Year’s holidays, law enforcement agencies around the country participate in this national campaign to curb drunken driving. Highway Traffic Safety also funds a corresponding media campaign.