Utilization and Compliance

The Alabama Surplus Property Program has compliance responsibilities for property donated to its donees pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended. All property acquired by a donee, regardless of acquisition cost, MUST, by law and Federal regulations, be placed in use within a period of 1 year from receipt and continue to be used for 1 year or 18 months (depending on criteria) for which it was acquired.

For federal property with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, our asset management system will automatically generate e-mail notifications and utilization forms to the Authorized Representative’s electronic address on file with the Alabama Surplus Property Program.


The following is the structure for which standard utilization and compliance notifications are generated:


Initial Utilization Form

This is the FIRST contact with the donee by the system. It is auto-emailed 90 days after the asset was invoiced. It should be returned to the Alabama Surplus Property Program within 30 days of receipt of email notification.


Initial Utilization Follow-up Letter

If an initial utilization form is not returned and processed after 90 days of initial email notification, a “Follow-Up Letter” is auto-emailed to the donee.

When the initial utilization form is returned, data is entered into the system to generate either (1) restriction expiration date/continuous use notification or (2) follow-up reminder.

If the donee fails to respond to the initial and follow-up request, the program considers the donee in violation of utilization restrictions (as outlined on distribution document/invoice) and a compliance case is opened for investigation.


Continuous Use Form

If the donee completes and returns the initial utilization form and data is entered into the system, a “Continuous Use Form” is auto-emailed 270 days after the entered “In Service Date” and then annually (if applicable – 60 month/perpetual restrictions).

When this form is returned, data is entered into the system to validate or recalculate the restriction expiration date.


Continuous Use Follow-up Letter

If a continuous use form is not returned and processed after 45 days of continuous use email notification, a “Continuous Use Follow-Up” is auto-emailed to the donee.


Expiration Letter

The “Expiration Date” is automatically calculated based on the “In Service” date and compliance type chosen. This letter goes out when the expiration date on the utilization tab says that it is due to go out.


You may return utilization forms:

Via Email

Email to surplus.compliance@adeca.alabama.gov.

Via Fax


Via Mail

ADECA Surplus Property Program
4590 Mobile Highway
Montgomery, AL 36108