Local Development Districts

The Local Development Districts (LDDs) are our local partners and are an active and essential part of the DRA partnership. There are six LDDs in Alabama’s Delta Region, and each LDD operates under a Board of Directors composed of elected representatives from the various local governments.


West Alabama Regional Commission

Counties: Greene, Hale, Pickens

South Central Alabama Development Commission

Counties: Bullock, Macon, Lowndes, Butler

Alabama-Tombigbee Regional Commission

Counties: Choctaw, Clarke, Conecuh, Dallas, Marengo, Monroe, Perry, Sumter, Washington, Wilcox

Southeast Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission

County: Barbour

South Alabama Regional Planning Commission

County: Escambia

Lee-Russell Council of Governments

County: Russell


In addition to the overall focus of the Delta Regional Authority, short, middle and long-term goals have been developed for the Alabama counties with an emphasis being placed on creating jobs and eliminating poverty.

More information can be found on the DRA’s website: www.dra.gov.