Local Development Districts

The Local Development Districts (LDDs) are our local partners and are an active and essential part of the ARC partnership. There are eight LDDs in Alabama’s Appalachian Region, and each LDD operates under a Board of Directors composed of elected representatives from the various local governments. LDDs Northwest Alabama Council of Local Governments Counties: Colbert, […]


ARC Application Information

Grant Goals ARC designates counties to be in one of five groups: Attainment Counties, Competitive Counties, Distressed Counties, At-risk Counties or Transitional Counties. These designations are made on an annual basis. Attainment Counties are not eligible for ARC funding. Competitive Counties are eligible for 30% ARC funding.  Distressed Counties are eligible for 80% ARC funding.  […]


ARC Plans, Strategies, and Historic Funding

ARC State Plans 2024-2027 State Plan 2020 – 2023 State Plan 2016 – 2019 State Plan 2011 – 2015 State Plan 2007 – 2010 State Plan ARC State Strategies 2024 ARC State Strategy 2023 ARC State Strategy 2022 ARC State Strategy 2021 ARC State Strategy 2020 ARC State Strategy 2019 ARC State Strategy 2018 ARC […]


2011 State DR Contracts

Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless – 01 Contract Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless – Amendment 01 Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless – Amendment 02 Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless – Amendment 03 Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless – Amendment 04 Alabama Rural Coalition for […]


2011 Tornado Disaster Fund: Round 1

Action Plan for Disaster Recovery – Tornadoes of April 2011 – Approved ADECA anuncia el nuevo financiamiento de la relevación del desastre Amended Action Plan 2 | Spanish AVISO DE INTENCIÓN PARA PEDIR LA LIBERACIÓN DE FONDOS Aviso para el comentario publico para el No. substancial de la enmienda. 1 en espanol CDBG 2011 Desastres […]


Compliance Training

FY 2023 CDBG Compliance Workshop (held Jan. 18, 2024)   Presentations CDBG Procurement Compliance Training CDBG Engineering Compliance Training CDBG Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Compliance Training CDBG Environmental Compliance Training CDBG Labor Standards Compliance Training CDBG Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity Compliance Training CDBG Letter of Conditional Commitments Requirements Compliance Training CDBG […]



Close Out Checklist Final inspection Certification Policy Letter 16 – Notice of Completion advertisement Final Wage Compliance Report Sample Narrative and Photographs for Closeout Performance Assessment Report – Page One Performance Assessment Report – Page Two Performance Assessment Report – Page Three-Six EDA Job Categories Definitions CDBG Budget-Final Financial Applicants for CDBG Assistance Jobs and […]


CDBG Policy Letters

The ADECA CDBG Program’s Policy Letters are currently undergoing revision and will be posted in this space once the revisions are completed.


Housing Rehabilitation

Basically CDBG Chapter 4 – Housing Activities Basically CDBG Chapter 13 Lead-Based Paint Section 104(d) Certification  
